Great, you’re interested in Membership!
Let’s walk you through the benefits…
Like most Clubs, we offer Paid Membership that comes with a plethora of benefits. The following types of Memberships are available each of which are valid for 1 (ONE) Full Year:
- BASIC Membership ($25/Year)
- PREMIUM Membership ($50/Year)
Renewals for both types of Membership is $20/Year. You also have the option to upgrade to Premium from Basic membership if you change your mind; just pay the difference.
- Renewal: $20/Year
- Attend our Swap Meets
- Access to Discord
- Priority access to exclusive Events and Collaborations
- Pre-order releases at retail (or less)
- Ability to purchase Official Club Car
- Renewal: $20/Year
- Attend our Swap Meets
- Access to Discord
- Priority access to exclusive Events and Collaborations
- Pre-order releases at retail (or less)
- Ability to purchase Official Club Car
- Club T-Shirt and exclusive Merchandise (included with membership)
…and here’s more information in case you’re interested
Access to all our Swap Meets is absolutely FREE and you can even bring your own table without being a member, we will never charge you any fees. However, being a Club Member has the following (but not limited to) benefits:
- Getting access to our Discord group where we discuss upcoming news, share custom creations and humbly brag about anything awesome that we might have acquired or stumbled upon.
- Being able to pre-order upcoming releases so you get guaranteed sets/cases without having to hunt for it, sometimes at less than retail price. It’s like your own personal delivery service except for retail price or less.
- Getting access to exclusive Club Events and Collaborations, which are most often with other car groups and clubs.
- Access to exclusive Club Merchandise including the Official Club Car.
- Getting your very own Club T-Shirt (included with the Premium Membership).
- Being a part of any giveaways and raffles in various Events.
- Any benefits that will be provided in the future as we expand.
* Memberships start from the date of Payment for ONE Year (365 days).
* We reserve the right to deny Membership.