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January 2022 – Kyusha Nights (OJCM x SoCalHWC x Bells & Vaughn)


About the Event

SoCal Hot Wheels Collectors is collaborating with OJCM and Bells & Vaughn to bring you the best of both worlds – actual life sized cars and their die-cast scale models. Entry for the public is completely FREE so we highly encourage you to come and enjoy the show.

Directions & Parking

The address is 200 Allen Ave in Pasadena. The location is at the intersection of East Walnut Street and Allen Avenue and will be well lit and clearly visible from the street. Look for the Bells & Vaughn neon light if you’re coming from the Walnut Street.

If you are visiting, we request you not to park close to the event since there might be reservations for show cars. There should be plenty of street parking which is free after 6 PM. Please also avoid parking in private properties and parking areas for other shops that are closed.

General Information

Event entry for visitors is completely FREE, however you will need to reserve a spot for $10 if you’re planning on bringing your show car. Vendor spots are currently only open for the SoCal Hot Wheels Collectors Club members. If that changes, we will let you know.

  • To reserve a Spot for your show car, please click the button that says “CLICK HERE TO RESERVE A SPOT FOR YOUR SHOW CAR” and fill out the form. If your car is selected, you will be sent instructions for making the payment.
  • We will have vendors selling model die-cast cars and scale models. Currently vendor spots are only open to SoCal Hot Wheels Collectors Club Members.
  • The event publicly opens at 8:00 PM, so please do not arrive early if you’re a visitor so as not to affect out set up process.
  • Show Cars arrival time is from 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM, please try to arrive within that window for a convenient set up.
  • There will be restrooms for use on the property,
  • We will also have a food and drinks vendor (to be announced later what kind of food will be available). No alcoholic beverages are allowed or will be sold on site, so please be mindful of that.
  • The event is on a private property, so please be respectful of that and the surroundings. Bells & Vaughn has been kind enough to host this event and having a smooth one will ensure future events as well.

About OJCM

OJCM aka Oldskoolerz is a Car Meet known for featuring some of the most exclusive and coolest Japanese classic cars in Southern California. Enthusiasts get a chance to compare, rant and rave about their latest modifications while passerby happen to see their favorite car they used to own back in high school or their parent’s first car they once owned. Creativity, personal styling, unique look, breaking trends or starting your own is what this is all about.

About Bells & Vaughn

Since 1946, Bells & Vaughn, family owned and operated, has been serving the Pasadena area, and surrounding communities, with expert body repair and refinishing, compelling service and a level of excellence unmatched in the industry. Their facility houses the latest in collision repair technologies, which allows our team to perform expert repair on everything from modern super-cars to classics. They are active members of CAA and the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, and hold officer positions in several local car clubs.

About SoCal Hot Wheels Collectors

The SoCal Hot Wheels Collectors Club is a Hot Wheels Collectors group based out of Southern California around the Los Angeles area. Our collectors, both young and old, share the same passion for Hot Wheels and consider it a serious hobby in this fast paced world. We encourage you to come join us in our Events, with family and friends even if this is your first time or you’re completely new to collecting.