History behind the Club

’twas on a bright Sunday morning…

It all began when some Redditors (Andy, Carlos and Steve) living in Southern California, around Los Angeles area, started talking about a probable meetup to trade Hot Wheels cars. On a bright Sunday morning, April 14th 2019, the Redditors gathered together for their very first swap meet to trade Hot Wheels, which they so passionately regard as a hobby. No one knew others, for they had never met in person; they only knew a tiny bit about each other’s passion for this hobby through online posts and comments on Reddit.

They were all “collectors” and it turned out to be a pretty successful meet for the first time. Everyone went home happy with something they wanted or liked, having traded it for something they had. They decided to meet every 30-45 days based on the number of Hot Wheels case releases, so everyone would have something to trade.

An idea was proposed for creating a Club so others in the area could also be a part of it and make it a bigger group, which would mean more interesting cars to trade, sell or buy. And thus, the “SoCal Hot Wheels Collectors Club” was formed.

We encourage you to come join us in our Swap Meets, with family and friends, which is a fun and family friendly event for those who share the love for this wonderful hobby. We help our fellow collectors complete their collection by looking out for something when we hit the stores and share information on new releases, upcoming events and anything and everything that’s happening in the world of Hot Wheels.