SoCal Hot Wheels Collectors Club

Calling all die-cast car collectors in Southern California and beyond!

The SoCal Hot Wheels Collectors Club is a Hot Wheels Collectors group based out of Southern California around the Los Angeles area. Our collectors, both young and old, share the same passion for Hot Wheels and consider it a serious hobby in this fast paced world.

We encourage you to come join us in our Events, with family and friends even if this is your first time or you’re completely new to collecting. All of us started somewhere and without a friendly community, there’s only so much we can know about this wonderful hobby.

What to expect when you come to one of our meets:

  • Tables full of Hot Wheels to feast your eyes upon and maybe fancy a trade
  • Collectors geek-ing out on all things Hot Wheels
  • Getting to know the collectors and the passion for specific cars they share
  • Information on how to join our Club Membership with a plethora of benefits
  • Giveaways and raffles
  • Lots of fun and a safe and family friendly environment

We hope to see you in our meets!